

The Internet of Things (IoT) has had a significant impact on the agricultural industry. By connecting physical devices and sensors to the internet, farmers can collect and analyze data to make more informed decisions about crop management, irrigation, and livestock monitoring. IoT technology enables farmers to optimize resource usage, improve yield, and reduce costs. It also enables real-time monitoring of environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, helping farmers identify and respond to potential issues more effectively. Overall, IoT in agriculture has enhanced efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in the industry.

There are several applications for IoT in agriculture. Some of them include:

Automated Irrigation

IoT devices can automatically control irrigation systems based on real-time data. This helps conserve water by only irrigating when necessary, resulting in significant water savings and reduced costs.

Precision Agriculture

IoT sensors can monitor various factors such as soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels in real-time. This helps farmers to optimize irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, resulting in higher crop yields and reduced costs.

Livestock Monitoring

IoT devices can be used to track the health, behavior, and location of livestock. This helps farmers to ensure their animals are in good health and detect any potential issues early on.

Smart Greenhouses

IoT sensors can control and monitor factors like temperature, humidity, lighting, and ventilation in greenhouses. This enables farmers to create optimal growing conditions for crops, resulting in better crop quality and higher productivity.

Crop Monitoring

IoT devices equipped with cameras and imaging systems can monitor crops for signs of diseases, pests, and nutrient deficiencies. This allows farmers to take immediate action and minimize crop loss.

Supply Chain Management

IoT can be used to track and monitor the entire supply chain of agricultural products, from farm to the end consumer. This allows for better inventory management, quality control, and traceability.

How SKYDATA-IoT Can Help You

For any IoT project to succeed, there needs to be the right mix of technology and strategy. Your cellular data partner plays a critical role in the technology ecosystem and must meet these 5 critical requirements for success:


Implementing a reliable and secure connectivity infrastructure is crucial. This involves utilizing a mix of wireless and wired networks to ensure seamless communication between devices and systems.


Prioritize cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data and critical infrastructure. Use encryption, authentication, and other security technologies to secure IoT devices, networks, and data from potential threats.

Back-End Integration

Having APIs for integration to allow for automation of back-end workflows, enabling better coordination and operational efficiency.

Scalability & Flexibility

Design IoT solutions that are scalable and flexible to accommodate future growth and changing needs. This allows for easier upgrades and additions as new technologies and requirements emerge.


One size does not fit all. Customization based on the nature of business and deployment is essential to cost efficiency.

Our Guarantee To You

As part of your IoT ecosystem, SKYDATA-IoT, will provide reliable and secure connectivity, and flexible and scalable data plans that meet your specific needs. Additionally, our robust client portal allows you to monitor data usage and SIM provisioning, enabling overall cost savings and operational efficiencies.

One SIM, One Solution

Multiple networks in over 200 countries. SKYDATA-IoT SIMs helps keep your devices connected by roaming on multiple networks seamlessly all with a single SIM solution.

Customizable Plans

Affordable and Flexible Plans designed for your specific needs, with pooled data  plans for optimal use.


With the largest LPWAN coverage in the market, we provide solutions that are right for you, whether you need; LTE-M (CAT-M1) on 77 networks in 40 countries, or NB-IoT on 47 networks in 34 countries.

Secure Client Portal

Intuitive interface that allows for robust management of all SIM provisioning and reporting.

Intuitive and Secure SIM Management Platform

SKYDATA-IoT M2M Account Portal Features

  • Secure Global Enterprise Portal featuring 24/7 web account access via industry standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol.
  • API for customized solutions tailored to the needs of a specific industry.
  • Monitor real-time connectivity status and diagnostic information
  • Data analytics and device-level reporting
  • Gain full control over your device connectivity

Open Roaming IoT SIM Cards

  • No steering or network reference
  • Support all sim form factors and OTA IMSI swap
  • Open roaming with global multi-network connectivity
  • Set a monthly data limit or each for each device
  • Managed by a single connectivity management platform
Private APN

APN stands for Access Point Name. APN is used by mobile service providers to combines many SIM cards into a single limited networks. It is recommended to have a private APN for security critical applications.


VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. VPN provides even further extension of the security for your application by removing the access to your M2M/IoT devices from the public internet. It is recommended to have VPN installed on the network of M2M/IoT devices when there are security concerns and especially if there is a large fleet of devices in the field controlled from a single location.

Static IP Address

Static IP is used as part of the Virtual Private Network - VPN. Static IP allows you to contact the device directly and securely without ever touching the public internet. This is the top security measure that offers the maximum flexibility in managing remote devices


The OneSim IMEI Lock service adds a layer of security and assures that a SIM card can only be used in the IoT device to which it is assigned.

Contact Us

To learn more, request a quote, or receive a free trial starter kit, please complete and submit the form below.


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